Why don’t we stay on the sidewalk?
It seems when a new business, restaurant or parking lot pops up in my neighborhood they spend a lot of money on fencing, landscaping and design work to try to persuade pedestrians to enter their establishments where they want them to. But inevitably sidewalks are abandoned, landscaping is trampled down and sometimes even fences are reconfigured by the shoppers who are seeking entry to their destinations.
I took this photograph and named it “reality.”
No matter how clever or how well-designed or aesthetically pleasing our solutions are people will blaze their own path. We can try to defend our decisions or cast judgment on why the masses are wrong or we can acknowledge we need a reality check.
Why should ministry planning begin with observation?
In lean methodology one of the main mantras is “love the problem not your solution.“
When I share this quote it’s always followed by nods, sighs of agreement and a-ha moments.