Spencer Burke's Field Notes for February

field notes Mar 19, 2024

I have the honor of meeting so many inspiring people and hearing about their amazing work that they are involved in.

My heart is to encourage and support Spiritual Innovators (like you) so... I want to let you know about three timely opportunities.

The 1st is a community to join - I am a part of this network that connects and supports Spiritual Changemakers. But they take that responsibility seriously. They have an onboarding process that educates and empowers all interested in joining. Well worth applying.

The 2nd is a need for your opinion - I am advising on this Mapping Project. Your wisdom and insights will bring this initiative to life and help all of us understand our evolving spiritual landscape. Important you share.

The 3rd is an amazing opportunity- I interviewed this collective and was so impressed, I asked them about how we can get involved and learn more. Here is one of their courses. Expand your knowledge.

I hope one of these offerings may inspire you too.

Maybe you ...

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