Faith-Inspired Changemakers HEALING a Broken World

events speaking Nov 23, 2021

I will be sharing along with Meena Palaniappan - Founder of Atma Connect, Stephen Lewis - President of Forum of Theological Exploration and Founder of DO GOOD X, Anne Evans and Mentor Dida - Ashoka

Many changemakers’ “Why” derives from their spiritual beliefs.   

In this panel we’ll reflect on why faith matters in their work, and how building a world where everyone is a changemaker aligns with faith in several ways. 


This session will feature diverse changemakers whose Why derives from their spiritual beliefs. In 2021 Ashoka ran its first Changemaking Masterclass for Faith-Inspired Changemakers and 140 people from 22 countries and 10 various faith traditions answered the call.  

Learn what they have in common, why faith matters in their work (and perhaps in yours), and how building a world where everyone is a changemaker aligns with faith for several types of changemakers:

• Spiritual Innovators creating new forms of spiritual community, new ways of being faithful 

• Social...

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